
9–15 May 2022

The programme of the first Architekturwoche Basel includes over 100 events in Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and neighbouring regions of France and Germany. Most of the events are free of charge. Reservations for the panel discussions and site tours can be booked now. Infopoint at Unternehmen Mitte.

Programme overview
Trouvailles → Mon–Sun 9–15 May
“Reale Räume” prologue -> Mon 9 May
Forum Dreispitz &
Basel Pavillon → Tue 10 May

Open Office → Wed & Fri 11 May/13 May
“Napoli Super Modern” opening reception -> Wed 11 May
Forum Bachgraben → Thu 12 May
Forum Klybeck → Sat 14 May
Partner events → Mon–Sun 9–15 May

Wheelchair accessible
events found

Hosts overview

Open Office Partner Events