
AWB Tours

AWB’24 starts on Saturday and Sunday with AWB Tours, a diverse range of visits, guided tours and tours through hidden spaces – organised by Open House Basel. These include old and new reservoirs, food and energy, underground tunnels and cross-border routes.


Saturday, 2 and 3 pm

Line tunnels – Rosental Mitte Underground

Guided tours in the Rosental Mitte area.

Saturday, 2, 3 and 4 pm

Birsigtunnel – Hidden Park

Guided tour of the Birsigtunnel. The Hidden Park project by KOSMOS Architects, which gives the tour its name, will be explained there.

Saturday, 2 and 3 pm

St Alban fountain

Guided tours of the over 500-year-old St Alban fountain.

Tuesday, 9.30 am and Thursday, 3.30 pm

Energy supply line tunnels – Novartis Campus

Guided tour through the Energy supply line tunnel on the Novartis Campus.

Sunday, 2 to 5 pm

Old Bruderholz Reservoir

Three reservoirs on the Bruderholz open their doors. At 2 pm, Thomas Meier from IWB and Fredi Hadorn from the filter4 association will give a guided tour of the old reservoir and filter 4.

Sunday, 2:30 to 5 pm

New Bruderholz Reservoir

Visits are possible in small groups. Waiting times must be expected.

Wednesday and Thursday, both at 12 and 18:30

The city as a soundscape

The guided tour movements – the city as soundscape starts at the SBB railway station. Mindful listening to everyday sounds mixes with music on site, which complements and comments on these sounds.