As part of the project «S AM FM», three artists will be creating sound-based interventions in the radio program.
In Slovak, «fonendoskop» means stethoscope, a tool with a resonator used to examine a patient by listening. This is also the name of an ongoing performative and sonic research project by collective ooo (Eva Vozárová & Fero Király), previously carried out at locations including the Slovak National Archive in Bratislava and the Moholy-Nagy University campus in Budapest. In this performance, ooo will perform a site-specific sound examination uncovering the hidden soundscapes within the building of the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum.
In Slovak, «fonendoskop» means stethoscope, a tool with a resonator used to examine a patient by listening. This is also the name of an ongoing performative and sonic research project by collective ooo (Eva Vozárová & Fero Király), previously carried out at locations including the Slovak National Archive in Bratislava and the Moholy-Nagy University campus in Budapest. In this performance, ooo will perform a site-specific sound examination uncovering the hidden soundscapes within the building of the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum.