In the year 1906, just a few years after the construction of the pumping station in the Lange Erle, a new reservoir was built near Jakobsberg and at the same time a filtration plant was constructed which purified the water from Angenstein and Grellingen with four large sand filters before it was fed into the pressurized water network. The careful architectural design of the façade by Vischer & Fueter expresses the fact that the importance of the water supply in Basel had changed since the construction of the first inconspicuous reservoir in 1866. The facility was closed 100 years later.
At 2 pm, Thomas Meier (IWB) and Fredi Hadorn (filter4 association) will give a guided tour of the old reservoir and filter 4. Afterwards, both rooms can be visited free of charge. The bar in Filter 4 will be open from 14:30.
At 2 pm, Thomas Meier (IWB) and Fredi Hadorn (filter4 association) will give a guided tour of the old reservoir and filter 4. Afterwards, both rooms can be visited free of charge. The bar in Filter 4 will be open from 14:30.