
Marc Février

Marc Février

Marc Février studied spatial planning at the University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil and supplemented his education with an MAS in municipal, urban and regional development at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. He works as an overall project manager in the urban planning department of the canton of Basel-Stadt and is responsible for site developments. Since 2004, Marc Février has worked on around 25 different site developments, including the development of the Roche site. He is currently in charge of the Dreispitz Nord site, where residential, green and school space is to be created in addition to existing commercial uses. Various major transformation projects, such as the conversion of the piece dye works in Kleinhüningen (now Stücki) in the 1990s or the Deutsche Bahn freight railway site (now Erlenmatt) in the 1990s, shaped his view of transformation processes and in particular the value of interim and conversion uses at an early stage.