
Beat Breitenfeld

Beat Breitenfeld

Beat Breitenfeld completed his degree in landscape architecture at the University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil in 1983. At the time, the course was strongly characterised by the innovative spirit of Dieter Kienast, who became a professor in 1980. After working in Bern for almost three years, he founded the first landscape architecture firm in the Basel area together with Matthias Fahrni in 1986, which was characterised by this Rapperswil spirit and introduced a new understanding of landscape architecture to the architectural scene. Early competition successes of the still young office (Gellertgut, Spenglerareal) laid the foundation for the office’s successful work to this day.

In addition, Beat Breitenfeld has always maintained a close relationship with practice as a specialist teacher for landscape gardeners (1987-2021) and as chief expert for landscape designers (1989-2005).
